Baby wake up call

Tom Broughton
2 min readAug 12, 2019

Waaaaaaaa. Wa. Wa. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..

Henry is my new alarm clock. I start the day at 5am. No one else is awake, it’s rejuvenating.

My mind is fresher in the morning (Sometimes after a coffee.) I can complete jobs easier and faster. I have no distractions. I don’t use my phone until 8am. This month, I have read 2 books, improved my fitness and wrote a few blog posts such as this one. Days seem longer. I’ve noticed that my attention and concentration has improved. I can remember stuff easier than before.

Appreciate the sunrise once in a while and focus on breathing.

Mindfulness is important. These extra hours change everything about the day. Give ‘Mindfulness for Dummies’ a read.

At 6am I start working on personal projects

This month I have read ‘The chimp Paradox‘ and a few Oxford short stories, which are ideal if you have a very busy lifestyle and short attention span. Sometimes, as the sun is coming up, it’s nice to take a walk to a local market and grab some food, I love how quiet the streets are. From next week, I shall also be learning a new language. Thai or Chinese, maybe both.

Its teamwork

Looking after a baby is a full time role. Finding the time to freelance and having time to yourself is sometimes challenging. We always help each other out and rotate the baby sitting role. My wife is in charge of the feeding and I am in charge of the nappy changing.

I try to not touch my phone after 8pm (easier said than done).

Instead of being focused on the phone, we talk to each other. Sometimes we watch a movie. I’ve cut out unproductive evening activities, so no hours are wasted. As a result, we have quality family time.

Aim to sleep by 10pm

Our baby has reminded me that sleep is a privilege, we sleep for around 6–8 hours. Babies are quite predictable. Our baby usually wakes up at around Midnight, 3am and 5am.

Time goes fast, I don’t want to waste it. Our baby has changed my outlook on life. Henry has helped me become a better person. Hopefully I can keep this up!



Tom Broughton

One evening after work I decided to visit the supermarket and treat myself to some food. This encounter led onto many adventures.